My First Injury

This is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drowned the whole world….

Just kidding, I was a big girl and didn’t cry a river…but, I did injure myself …

And the story goes like this…

This is me with my housemates looking all cute right before we headed out to my first night club since I have been in Madrid. And for the record, I have been living in Madrid for approximately 4 weeks now. I have one week left in Madrid, so I HAD to check out El Kapital, a seven floor night club.


No regrets….yet. So while we headed out to meet up the rest of our group at El Tigre, a lounge-bar with free tapas, an accident happened on the metro. While trying to make it into the metro on time, my housemate accidently stepped on my foot with her 3-inch heels. No biggie. I didn’t even budge. No pain, nothing. I just felt my skin scratch and looked down to check out my foot. That’s when things got scary. My foot was transforming into an Ogre–a huge purplish bump was growing on my foot. It was definitely swollen and a vein definitely popped, but the night must go on.


Yes, I was wearing heels too. So the whole night I was dancing in heels, with a new bump. REGRETS ?! Nah not yet.


We got in. The night was GREAT! I had some of the best drinks of my life – strawberry daiquiri, pina colada and some kind of fancy passionfruit or dragonfruit smoothie with a flower petal on top. It was awesome until the point where my feet started feeling pain and I wanted to go home…But wait, there’s a problem. I don’t have my apartment keys, my phone, or any money on me, and I lost my housemates. Umm…okay, so there’s seven floors in the club, I will find them. BUT ambition can only get you so far, when you can barely walk… Basically, I walked around the club for an hour before I found my friends. Another problem came up when I found them, because they wanted to stay. But it was okay, because I retrieved my phone, money and keys from my friend and called it a night. Eventually, I got home safe and happy (just with a swollen foot) until the next morning when I woke up and realized my voice was gone. Great…I don’t normally lose my voice, but the one time I do, it’s in Madrid.. Hahaha


Anyway, as an independent woman, I gotta treat the bruise. I went to the local pharmacy for the first time, and went through an obstacle to ask for the right treatment for a bruise on the foot. Pulled out my Spanish pocket-dictionary a couple of times and used a lot of hand gestures (because I couldn’t speak), but it was all good cause I got what I needed at the end of the day.



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